Jun,09 2021
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Does luck exist (especially in lottery)
When people find out that many people have won more than 300 million dollars in the Lottery in the last ten years, they often say: "How lucky!" But is there really luck or is everything random? We tell you the difference between luck and chance, as well as the best tips to achieve more luck.
When we talk about the lottery, we usually say that it is a game of chance because the chances of it being your turn are very small; On the other hand, when someone gets a prize, no matter how small, we say that they have been lucky. Where are we left: winning the Lottery depends on luck or chance? First, you have to understand the difference between the two. Although we sometimes have a tendency to confuse them, luck and chance are not the same. In both cases, they refer to the random chances that something will turn out one way or another. However, the difference is that luck is something individual, while chance is universal online lottery india.
That is, luck depends exclusively on each person: we can have good or bad luck (for example, winning the Lottery) but it is something that only affects us and requires a certain involvement on our part (you cannot win the lottery if you do not play). Therefore, luck is subjective and can even be contradictory. Look carefully: while for some people the number 13 is bad luck, others win the lottery with that number
Instead, chance is the expression that we have adopted to refer to everything that happens around us that we cannot predict, that does not depend on us and that we have no way to favor or avoid by our means (for example, that we fall a meteor) online lottery india. We consider that chance is something objective, that it is beyond our control, and we have even invented “rules” that regulate chance, such as the famous Murphy's Laws.
Does that mean that chance always trumps luck? It does not necessarily have to be this way. As a philosopher named Schopenhauer said: "Chance deals the cards but we play them." To try to influence chance, we have no choice but to resort to superstitions, amulets and other rituals to attract fortune that have an irrational component; However, for luck we can rely on tricks that do have a rational basis.
According to his theory, we can create our own luck by following four simple recommendations:
Look for new opportunities: as we said before, if you never play the lottery, it is impossible for you to win Lottery. Do not complain because you are not lucky, you are not looking for it!
Follow your instincts: Does anything tell you that this year the Christmas jackpot will end in seven? Well, buy your ticket: following your instincts helps you look for new opportunities.
Be confident: you have to be persistent and insist until you achieve your goal, as do for example those who subscribe to a Lottery number for years.
Think positive: bad luck kills pessimistic people, while good luck usually smiles on people who have an optimistic attitude online lottery india.
When people find out that many people have won more than 300 million dollars in the Lottery in the last ten years, they often say: "How lucky!" But is there really luck or is everything random? We tell you the difference between luck and chance, as well as the best tips to achieve more luck.
When we talk about the lottery, we usually say that it is a game of chance because the chances of it being your turn are very small; On the other hand, when someone gets a prize, no matter how small, we say that they have been lucky. Where are we left: winning the Lottery depends on luck or chance? First, you have to understand the difference between the two. Although we sometimes have a tendency to confuse them, luck and chance are not the same. In both cases, they refer to the random chances that something will turn out one way or another. However, the difference is that luck is something individual, while chance is universal online lottery india.
That is, luck depends exclusively on each person: we can have good or bad luck (for example, winning the Lottery) but it is something that only affects us and requires a certain involvement on our part (you cannot win the lottery if you do not play). Therefore, luck is subjective and can even be contradictory. Look carefully: while for some people the number 13 is bad luck, others win the lottery with that number
Instead, chance is the expression that we have adopted to refer to everything that happens around us that we cannot predict, that does not depend on us and that we have no way to favor or avoid by our means (for example, that we fall a meteor) online lottery india. We consider that chance is something objective, that it is beyond our control, and we have even invented “rules” that regulate chance, such as the famous Murphy's Laws.
Does that mean that chance always trumps luck? It does not necessarily have to be this way. As a philosopher named Schopenhauer said: "Chance deals the cards but we play them." To try to influence chance, we have no choice but to resort to superstitions, amulets and other rituals to attract fortune that have an irrational component; However, for luck we can rely on tricks that do have a rational basis.
According to his theory, we can create our own luck by following four simple recommendations:
Look for new opportunities: as we said before, if you never play the lottery, it is impossible for you to win Lottery. Do not complain because you are not lucky, you are not looking for it!
Follow your instincts: Does anything tell you that this year the Christmas jackpot will end in seven? Well, buy your ticket: following your instincts helps you look for new opportunities.
Be confident: you have to be persistent and insist until you achieve your goal, as do for example those who subscribe to a Lottery number for years.
Think positive: bad luck kills pessimistic people, while good luck usually smiles on people who have an optimistic attitude online lottery india.